Maryland Officials Concerned with Falling Groundwater Levels and Saltier Drinking Water

Swimming in the salty waters of Ocean City may be a treat for tourists, but local water officials are looking for ways to make sure that this saltwater doesn’t seep into the area’s drinking supply. According to Delmarva Now, falling groundwater levels in Ocean City, MD have led to saltier drinking water for residents. The […]

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New Study Reveals That Exercise May be Best for Back Pain Sufferers

Those who suffer lower back pain often turn to pieces of medical equipment such as back braces and shoe orthotics to alleviate discomfort. However, a new study reveals that those pain relieving remedies may be doing more harm than good. According to a blog post in the New York Times Wellness section, research shows that […]

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Without a Savings Plan, Retirement Could Be More Stressful Than Working

While retirement is aimed at allowing people to make up for all of the relaxation and free time they missed while working, more and more retirees are finding it difficult to cover living costs after they’ve left their jobs. According to The Hill, this has become such a widespread concern that the White House is […]

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